
Vancouver Art Gallery

Art Galleries, Accessibility

750 Hornby St, Vancouver, British Columbia, V6Z 2H7

Vancouver Art Gallery Accessibility

This business has self-assessed as having the following accessible attributes. Please contact the business directly for further detail if required.


  • Designated accessible parking near an accessible entrance that is specifically marked
  • Entrance has no steps or if there are one or more steps, there is non-slip ramp with a maximum of 5% slope
  • Entry route has a door that is at minimum 815 mm wide
  • One or more entry points are automated
Restroom In Public Area
  • Can be reached without going up or down stairs, has a main entrance and/or stall that is a minimum 815 mm wide and has an outward swing door
Food Services
  • Accessible path of travel and accessible style tables/booths
  • Multiple floors with an elevator that is large enough for a 180-degree turn with a mobility device (minimum turning area of 1,500 mm in diameter)
Activities & Transportation
  • Key activities are accessible to guests using mobility devices
  • Information displays (if applicable) at a lower height
  • Accessible spaces have clear views of the main activity (i.e. stage, viewing area)
  • Pathways are hard packed surfaces with a maximum slope 5%


Overall Space
  • Audible alarm and/or public service system
  • Customer service staff have been trained, and prepared to verbally describe rooms, menus, business amenities and contracts/waivers in detail


Supporting Programs
  • Business accepts Access2Card ( or permits a support person to accompany the customer at no cost or at a discount
Emergency Plan
  • Emergency plan includes staff trained to provide in-person assistance for people with mobility, visual, and hearing requirements
Service Dogs
  • Staff have been trained on guide and service dog policies
  • Business has a dog relief area on site
Additional Information

Guest who are blind/partially sighted are welcome to join us on the last Saturday of each month for a 1-hour Described Tour that includes description of exhibits. Complimentary admission for one sighted companion per visitor with vision loss.

Learn More

Discover the power of art on your next trip to Vancouver with a visit to the Vancouver Art Gallery, one of North Americas most exciting and innovative visual arts institutions. Works by renowned Canadian Modernist painter Emily Carr are often on view as well as ground-breaking exhibitions and selections from the permanent collection. Open 7 days a week, a visit to the Gallery is an opportunity to meditate on more than a century’s worth of Canadian and international art, from historical masters to contemporary visionaries. Enhance your experience by attending one of the Gallerys engaging special events, educational tours or programs designed for families, youth and art enthusiasts of all ages. Weekly Family Programs are featured every Sunday and are free for children 12 and under. Spend time in the Gallery Store; a locals favorite or refuel in the Gallery Bistro (currently under renovation).

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